View Past Edition 2022
Where science gets fun and you get smarter!Hinterher ist manimmer schlauer! La scienza che ti prende e risveglia la mente!

Clear the stage for science! 

On three evenings, a total of 21 scientists will prove that science is fun. 


They will have 10-minute to awe, inspire and galvanize with their presentations - and the audience gets to vote for who will win a prize. 


Curious? Then come along! Admission is free! 


unibz@NOI Techpark

8 pm

dj Veloziped




Eurac Research

8 pm

dj audiomat


Erjon Zeqo 

Erjon Zeqo 

minority rights & autonomy researcher

Protection through appreciation
The diversity of species plays a vital role in maintaining balance within our global ecosystem. Similarly, cultural diversity among minorities sharing the same space enriches and strengthens societies. Can the cultural heritage of the Sinti minority in South Tyrol be safeguarded by fostering greater awareness and appreciation for their traditions, language, and music? By promoting these elements, we can help combat discrimination and anti-Gypsyism, creating a more inclusive and harmonious community.
Slam will be held in Italian

Giada Cattelan

Giada Cattelan

molecular biologist

Can you feel the beat?
Ever wondered why when you experience strong emotion your heart starts beating faster? This is because of the cardiac autonomic nervous system, which controls many functions of the heart. How is it possible to model this system in order to have a deeper understanding of heart diseases?
Slam will be held in Italian

Giulia Elli

Giulia Elli


Finding nanoplastics around us
Identifying and quantifying nanoplastics in environments such as seas and lakes is tricky. However, using electrochemical sensors may offer a solution with many advantages, including fast response times, high sensitivity, low fabrication costs, and easy portability.
Slam will be held in Italian

Leonardo Venturoso

Leonardo Venturoso

data scientist

Safe and accessible cycling/I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it safe
Cycling is crucial in urban planning due to its health benefits and emission reduction. Most streets can cause traffic stress and challenge novice cyclists, but is there a way to predict high-risk areas and support targeted solutions for improving cycling infrastructure and public health?
Slam will be held in English

Martina Pelle

Martina Pelle

building and energy engineer

The beauty in (colored) photovoltaics
The architectural design of buildings reflects the identity, culture, and traditions of local communities. To support the energy transition, we must utilize all surfaces in the built environment, including facades. Photovoltaic technologies are ideal for this, but their distinct aesthetic is often seen as a fit only for modern buildings. However, renewable technologies shouldn’t limit architectural creativity.
Slam will be held in Italian

Paola Fontanella Pisa

Paola Fontanella Pisa


How can stories save us?
Stories have the power to shape our social, cultural, spiritual, political, and economic landscapes. They also serve as vital reminders of the importance of the natural world around us. In a mountain village in Japan, communities living in hazard-prone areas acquire deep knowledge of the risks embedded in their environment. But how do these stories transform into practical tools for reducing disaster risk?
Slam will be held in English


NOI Techpark

8 pm

dj La Kostner


Camilla Febo

Camilla Febo


From under the sea onto the field!
Can we use nature to save itself? Nature-based solutions and using organic materials in industry and agriculture have the power to mitigate the damage caused by humans and climate change. How to implement these solutions is up to us.
Slam will be held in English

Eduardo Martins Guerra

Eduardo Martins Guerra

software engineer

Emojis invade programming

Emojis have transformed how we communicate online. But could they also change the way we code? Discover how these tiny icons have the ability to revolutionize programming and help developers make smarter more efficient decisions.
Slam will be held in English

Federica Mastrolonardo

Federica Mastrolonardo

food microbiologist

Take care of your gut microbiome!
Fermentation is one of the most natural and sustainable methods for enhancing the nutritional value of foods and sourdough bread is one of the most delicious ways to ingest fermented products. Add a zero-waste approach to this recipe and the benefits are boundless.
Slam will be held in English

Marilyn De Graeve

Marilyn De Graeve

computational biochemist

Unlocking Your Body's Secrets: The Marvelous World of Metabolites
Metabolites are small molecules and intermediate or end products of metabolisms. They provide insights into different diseases, the effects of diet on health, and how our emotions are regulated. Discover how we decode these molecules to uncover the body’s secrets.
Slam will be held in English

Michael Pörnbacher

Michael Pörnbacher

environmental scientist

A climate-resilient South Tyrol ? It’s not gonna be easy!
Heatwaves, bark beetles, water shortages, and then suddenly far too much rain all at once – the effects of climate change are already clearly being felt in South Tyrol, and the risks will continue if we don’t adapt. To do so, we need to focus on detailed risk analyses, climate impact chains, key risks, risk assessments, and governance analyses. Sounds complicated? Don’t worry, I’ll explain it all at the Science Slam!
Slam will be held in German

Pietro Postacchini

Pietro Postacchini

energy engineer

Turning waste into energy: The power of microorganisms
Harnessing waste for energy tackles both environmental and energy challenges. By improving biological processes, we can convert organic waste into renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Micorooorganisms are indeed quite powerful offering a cleaner, more efficient, alternative to traditional waste disposal, helping to cut CO₂ emissions and promote a greener future.
Slam will be held in Italian

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